Sabtu, 24 April 2010

Feng Shui Plants to Create a More Peaceful Office or home

According to the principles of Feng Shui, plants and uplift spread the energy in our homes, the harmony, and improving our environment. They also help clean the air we breathe!

Did you know that the air in your home is often more burdened than outside? A study by the Environmental Protection Agency found that the pollution in a residential building four fifty-eight times higher than outside the house, even in the large industrialized cities.

Unfortunately, many common products used to decorate our homes, including certain types of paints, varnishes, carpet, clean mattresses, curtains, and chipboard and cleaners contain chemicals that release smoke into the air by a process called off-gassing . The pollution in your home can cause headaches, fatigue, asthma and other respiratory diseases. But for scholarly Dr. BC Wolverton, author of How to grow fresh air, indoor plants can actually help in pollution removed. In addition, some plants are also some of the reduction of harmful effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) emanating from electronic devices such as computers and mobile phones. To create a healthier environment by adding plants to your home or office.

But what of special Feng Shui tips for your plants? Keep your plants healthy and happy positive Feng Shui energy production. Fresh cut flowers and a wonderful way to collect energy, but of course, once they begin to wilt, you have to throw them away. Dried flowers and fake plants / flowers are okay, as long as they are in good shape, but once they start fading, or dusty, it's probably best to throw them.

In Feng Shui, healthy plants are often complementary to bleed wealth and finances used symbolizes is very good for an office or home office appropriate. But instead of Feng Shui plants wherever they are, feel inspired, they will increase the energy that you refrain from nature and a nice, quiet house creation.

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