Rabu, 28 April 2010

Use Potted Plants To Brighten Up Your Rooms

Everyone knows that living plants are limited improvement space, add a touch of natural beauty and color of our daily lives. We forget that they generate oxygen, according to research by NASA actually remove harmful pollutants from domestic air we breathe. No wonder that leading architects and construction managers are included green and flowering plants in their buildings for the year.

Today, more builders and property managers concerned than ever air quality improvement, but they should also lower costs and reduce energy environmental footprints of their buildings. They want to dependence on fossil fuels and other natural resources to reduce, while building healthy, energy-efficient and earth-friendly as possible. A program designed to work for this goal is to provide leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Rating leads us to the buildings, with little or no net energy consumption and the environment.

Live interior plants, green walls, and even green roofs are part of the decision - which leads to the activation cultivation of flowering plants of enterprise applications that have a good sense for business and the environment. According green plants green buildings (GPGB), a large amount of evidence pointing to plants as a natural green solution to several serious internal environment quality care. "

Within plantscape companies, design, installation and care of plants is a key element of effective results. Whether they are heroes in all this? Sure, their products are environmentally friendly and their service to keep buildings cleaner, but what about their own business practices? Many plants within companies are increasingly aware of their social responsibility and the necessary steps to make more environmentally friendly. "

One way to do it is to qualify for Green Earth - plants green certification program only national environmental standards specifically for companies plantscape. Developed by LEED AP consultant Kathy Fediw, Green Earth - green plants program consists of 17 page stringent assessment, with the necessary documents each company's own facilities to address the use of the car, gardening practices, staff training and participation Community.

Green Earth - green plants certified companies using new technologies for automatic irrigation control and thereby reduce unnecessary service calls. They also actively recycle their wide variety of materials, reduce consumption of fossil fuels, introduce extensive employee training, and the use of non-chemical methods of insects and plants to prevent bleeding love.

"We are proud of their achievements to recognize and know they will be an example for other businesses that work to more earth-friendly way," says Fediw. And that's what it's all about - people and businesses working together to improve our lives and our planet earth.

1 komentar:

  1. "Oakdene Landscapes Ltd, Delgany, Co. Wicklow, Ireland - Garden Design & Creation - Exhibition Garden, Ornamental Stone Walls, Water Features, Patio Paving, Plantscapes, Decking, Pergolas, Stone Sculptures"
    Plantscapes designs
